When you drop your hard earned cash on a brand new truck for work or for recreation, you don’t want to nick, chip or scratch up the bed, no matter how hard you work the truck. Before you take that bad boy to the construction site or load it up with ATVs, contact Tough Line Customs in Meridian, ID, and talk to us about our superior spray on bedliners. We offer super tough Mil-Spec spray on bedliners for their ease of application, high-quality materials, and lifetime warranty.
Spray on bedliners are designed to protect the bed of your truck from damage caused by the cargo you carry. From motorcycles and appliances to drywall and concrete, these pickup truck bedliners resist scrapes, breaks, and dents like no other spray on truck bedliner on the market.
These spray on bedliners aren’t just practical; they can give your truck a stunning custom look that sets it apart from all of the other trucks on the road. We use top line Mil-Spec products that offer the full coverage and great protection you would get from a dealer, but at a much more affordable price.
Don’t settle for a cheap, thin bedliner that will crack, break and expose the bed of your truck to damage or weather. Stop by our store, and talk with our courteous experts about how our truck liners can protect your bed and your investment against the damage of carrying cargo.
Choose the lifetime protection of a spray on bedliner from Tough Line Customs and backed by a lifetime warranty that is not available from any of our competitors. Stop by today, and let’s talk about your truck.